Steering Group

The document below is the "Terms of Reference" given to the Steering Group by Northill Parish Council. It specifies themes to be tackled, operating arrangements, protocols and accountability.

NP Steering Group Terms of Reference 07.11.14.pdf


The Steering Group generally meets regularly every three or four weeks and acts as the regulating body for the Neighbourhood Planning process. It is led by two co-chairs , one from the Parish Council and the other from the community . The group and is made up of a number of volunteers from the community and Parish Council.Minutes of their meetings are set out below.



NP PLAN Meeting Notes 030914.pdf

NP PLan SG Meeting Minutes 071014.pdf

NP Steering Group 06.11.14.pdf


N.P Plan Meeting 070115.pdf

NP Steering Group 28.01.15.pdf 

NP Plan SG Meeting 170215.pdf

NP Plan SG Meeting Notes 170315.pdf

NP Plan SG Meeting 010415.pdf

NP Plan SG Meeting 150415.pdf

NP Steering Group 06.05.15.pdf

NP Steering Group 15.06.15.pdf

NP Steering Group 21.07.15.pdf

NP Steering Group 28.08.15.pdf

NP Steering Group 29.09.15.pdf

NP Steering Group 04.11.15.pdf

NP Steering Group 03.12.15.pdf


NP Steering Group 27.01.16.pdf

NP Steering Group 16.02.16.pdf

NP Steering Group 16.03.16.pdf

NP Steering Group 31.03.16.pdf

NP Steering Group 20.04.16.pdf

NP Steering Group 08.06.16.pdf

NP Steering Group 19.07.16.pdf

NP Plan SG Meeting Notes 110816.pdf

NP Steering Group 21.09.16.pdf

N.P Meeting 121016.pdf

NP Steering Group 23.11.16.pdf

NP Plan SG Meeting Notes 141216.pdf


NP Steering Group 11.01.17.pdf

NP Steering Group 22.02.17.pdf

NP Steering Group 08.03.17.pdf

NP Steering group 15.03.17.pdf

NPPlan Steering Group 220317.pdf

SG meeting NOTES 03.04.17_10.04.17_redacted.pdf

NPSteeringGroup 24.04.17.pdf

NP Informal Meeting_14.06.17 .pdf

NP Steering Group Minutes 29.06.17.pdf

SG meeting note 19 7 17.pdf

NP Steering Group 10.08.17.pdf

NP Steering Group 16.08.17_redacted.pdf

NP Steering Group 260917.pdf

NP Plan SG Meeting Notes 171017.pdf/

NP Plan SG Meeting Notes 081117.pdf

NPPlan Steering group 27.11.17.pdf



NP Steering Group 080118.pdf

NP Steering Group 310118.pdf 

 NP Plan Steering Group & PWT 280218.pdf

NP Steering Group 210318.pdf


NP Plan SteeringGroup 16.05.18_21.05.18.pdf

NP Plan SteeringGroup 24.05.18_30.05.18_31.05.18.pdf


NP Plan SG Minutes 020119.pdf

NP Plan SG Notes 060319.pdf

NPSG Minutes19032019.pdf

NP Steering Group Notes160419.pdf



Project Group Meeting 14.09.15.pdf

Project Group Meeting 16.10.15.pdf

Project Group Meeting 02.11.15.pdf

NP PlanPWG Notes 11115.pdf


Project Group Meeting 11.01.16.pdf

Project GroupMeeting 27.01.16 .pdf

Project Group Meeting 02.03.16.pdf

Project Group Meeting 15.03.16 (cont 02.03.16).pdf

Project Group Meeting 30.03.16.pdf

Project Group Meeting 13.04.16 & 18.04.16.pdf

Project Group Meeting 03.06.16.pdf

Project Group Meeting 24.06.16.pdf

Project Group Meeting 29.06.16 & 11.07.16.pdf

Project Group Meeting 20.07.16.pdf

Project Group Meeting 01.08.16.pdf

Project Writing Group 17.10. 16.pdf

Project Writing Group 07.11.16.pdf

Project Writing Group 16.11.16.pdf

Project Writing Group 28.11.16.pdf


NPPlan PWT Meeting 090117.pdf

NPPLan meeting 16.01.17.pdf

NPPlan PWT meeting 23.01.17.pdf

N.P Plan PWT Meeting Notes 260117.pdf

NPPlan PWT meeting 06.02.17.pdf

N.P Plan PWT meeting 150217.pdf

N.P Plan PWT Meeting Notes 200217.pdf

NPPlan PWT meeting 27.02.17.pdf

N.P Plan PWT Meeting Notes 010317.pdf

NPPlan PWT meeting 06.03.17.pdf

NPPlan PWT meeting 13.03.17.pdf

NPPlan SG 03.04.17_10.04.17.pdf

NPPlan PWT meeting 111017.pdf

NP Plan Minutes PWT191217.pdf


PWTNotes Website180118.pdf

PWT Notes_ Actions_05.02.18.pdf


PWTNotes Website 200218.pdf