17.9.19 It has been brought to our attention that this website may not consistently be bringing up the Referendum version of our Neighbourhood Plan and it's Appendices. For the avoidance of any doubt, if the document you bring up is not titled Referendum Version 2019 -2031, we request that you use the following link to access the documents on the Central Bedfordshire website until this IT issue is resolved.
16.9.19 Our REFERENDUM date is confirmed as Thursday Oct 3rd, at polling stations at Northill Village Hall and Caldecote Church Rooms, both of which will be open between 7am and 10pm.
Want more information about the Referendum version of the Plan? The Steering group is arranging two drop in exhibitions where paper copies of the final referendum version of the Plan and it's different sections will be available. The first drop in is at Upper Caldecote Methodist Church Hall on Thursday September 26 th between 2.30 am and 8.00pm, and the second is at Northill Village Hall on Saturday September 28th between 2.30pm and 5.00pm ( not 12 noon to 4.00pm as previously advertised)
25.08.19 The following hyperlink - Information Statement Northill.pdf. - accesses the Information Statement issued by CBC relating to the forthcoming Neighbourhood Plan Referendum. It provides the Referendum date, the question asked and voting eligibility. It is also posted on NPC Village Notice Boards and the NPC website.
21.08.19 The Neighbourhood Plan and its associated documentation has now been externally examined and the document amended in line with the recommendations. The above documents can now proceed to referendum which is arranged by CBC. You are now encouraged to view the documents prior to the Referendum ballot. They are also available on the Parish Council and CBC Websites. In addition the Examiner's Final Report can be viewed via this hyperlink - Northill NP Final Report 090819.pdf
09.05.2019 INDEPENDENT EXAMINATION OF THE NORTHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN. The examination of the Plan commenced at the beginning of May. It will be undertaken by an independent external examiner who will consider its content and make recommendation for any changes necessary prior to it being submitted for local referendum. The hyper-links below give details of the ongoing process and related correspondence.
Examiner Procedural Matters Northill NP 020519.pdf
Response to Examiner's Question 10.5.2019.pdf
Examiner Questions Northill 130519.pdf
Additional information to Examiner 17.5.2019.pdf
Examiner Questions Northill June 2019.pdf
Response to Examiner's Question 20.6.2019.pdf
CBC Response to Examiner's Additional Questions (1).pdf
As the Local Planning Authority, they are now required to undertake a publication period to provide an opportunity for all parties to comment on the submitted proposals before the plan goes ahead to Examination. The plan, together with accompanying documents can also be found at their website, http://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/planning/policy/neighbourhood-planning/consultations.aspx and hard copies are available to view on request at their office at Priory House, Chicksands.
The consultation will start on Thursday 14th February and run for a 6 week period, closing at 5pm on Friday 29th March. Central Bedfordshire Council are inviting comments either by email or by post. Please send any comments via email to localplan@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk and any comments via post to the address below:
Local Plan Team
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
SG17 5TQ
All comments will be passed to an Examiner to be considered. If the Plan is successful at Examination, it will proceed to a referendum to allow residents to vote. If the Plan is successful at referendum, Central Bedfordshire Council will ‘make’ the Plan part of the development plan for the area and use it during the consideration of planning applications.
If you wish to be informed of the outcome, please let Central Bedfordshire Council know in your comments.
15 .11.18 The Steering Group are pleased to announce that the Northill Parish Neighbourhood Plan (Pre-submission Regulation 16 Document) has been submitted today to CBC. To view its contents please use the Northill Neighbourhood Plan button above.
The Steering Group would like to acknowledge a very considerable amount of help received from CBC Neighbourhood Development Plan Officer Tom Price. Tom has been tidying up our documents for us, coping with lists of amendments sent in after proof reading.
Any questions? Contact@northillneighbourhoodplan.org
What happens next?
Thank you for your interest in the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan. Please look out for further progress reports on this page, in Village Magazines, Local Papers and on Parish Council Notice Boards around the parish.